Microsuction Ear Wax Removal Services In Plymouth

Ear wax build-up can cause discomfort, reduced hearing, and even lead to ear infections if left untreated. For individuals in Plymouth seeking a modern and safe method of ear wax removal, our ear microsuction services offer a highly effective solution.


Ear microsuction is an effective and advanced technique; our qualified healthcare professionals remove excess ear wax using specialised equipment. Microsuction utilises a low-pressure, controlled suction to gently extract ear wax without causing discomfort.


During our microsuction ear wax removal procedure, our trained ear care specialists will use medical-grade magnifying loupes to obtain a clear view of the ear canal. The high magnification enables precision and accuracy during the process. We will then use a sterile suction device, attached to a low-pressure suction machine, to gentle and carefully draw out the earwax from the ear canal.


Safety: Microsuction is a safe procedure, as it minimises the risk of injury to the delicate ear canal.

Painless and Quick: The procedure is painless and typically takes only a few minutes. Patients usually experience immediate relief from any discomfort caused by earwax buildup.

Why you should choose Clear Hear Devon, a reputable provider

When seeking microsuction ear wax removal in Plymouth, it is essential to choose a reputable healthcare clinic. At Clear Hear Devon, we are qualified ear wax removal specialists with over 20 years of experience in ear care.

We understand the importance of providing a comfortable and pleasant ear wax removal experience and offer a personalised approach to your ear wax treatments to address your specific concerns.

We follow strict hygiene and safety protocols to minimise the risk of infection and other complications. We utilise state-of-the-art equipment to delicately suction out the ear wax, ensuring a quick and painless procedure. We also include a complimentary hearing screening check in your ear wax removal appointment.

How to book your appointment

Please contact us by phone on 01752 749698, or use our online contact form below to discuss your requirements for an appointment. We aim to see you within a week of booking.